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iOS 6 Programming Pushing the Limits: Advanced Application Development for Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

iOS 6 Programming Pushing the Limits: Advanced Application Development for Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

КнигиКниги Рейтинг публикации: 0 (голосов: 0)  
Название: Scroll Saw Holiday Patterns
Авторы: Rob Napier and Mugunth Kumar
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2013
ISBN: 1118449959
Количество страниц: 552
Формат: PDF
Язык: English
Размер: 53 Мб

Learn to build extraordinary apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch iOS is the hottest development platform around, and iOS 6 adds a new and deeper dimension to explore. This guide offers serious information for serious programmers who know the basics and are ready to dive into the advanced features of iOS.
You'll learn to create killer apps for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, including how to maximize performance and make more money from your apps with in-app purchases. Topics covered include security, multitasking, running on multiple platforms, blocks and functional programming, advanced text layout, and much more.
App development for iPhones and iPads is a lucrative and exciting venture; books on this topic are steady bestsellers.
This advanced guide helps experienced developers take full advantage of the latest platform upgrade, iOS 6.
Provides in-depth background on maximizing your apps with Apple's iPhone SDK 6.0, including the major new APIs and building applications for the new iPad
Covers keeping control of multitasking, increasing income with in-app purchases, key value observing with Cocoa, running on multiple platforms, advanced text layout, building a Core foundation, and more iOS 6 Programming: Pushing the Limits gives experienced mobile developers a wealth of knowledge for creating outstanding iPhone and iPad apps on the latest platform.
  • Добавлено: 28/05/2014
  • Автор: BennyBlanko
  • Просмотрено: 40
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Общий размер публикации: 52,85 МБ
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